Research Project

Human-Machine Teaming: From Womb to The Moon

Research Team

Lead Researchers:

  • Dr. Thomas Chan


  • Dr. So Young Kim-Caset
  • Dr. Basak Ramaswamy
  • Krys Blackwood

Student Team:

  • Jodee Ann Coni
  • Alexandria Christoforatos
  • Jeremy Arqueta
  • Ana Patino
  • Gerard Samson
  • Jazlyn Armendariz
  • Chandra Breslow


  • Funding Organization:
  • Funding Program:


Motivation/Research Problem

Research Objectives
Identify how human interaction influences the design of autonomous systems and how to optimize the process
Research Approach

Searching for golden nuggets–used atomic research approach by collecting information into “nuggets”- ethnographic and applied research.

Collected data through interviews, transcripts, and live coding.

  • Curiosity: nine online interviews
  • Europa Lander simulation: video transcriptions and live codina sessions
  • Perseverance• in-person live codina sessions

Compared frequencies of each function across the three observed missions to identifv when and how often functions would occur.

Research Results and Deliverables
Research Timeline

Start Date:
End Date: 

Research Team

Lead Researchers:

  • Dr. Thomas Chan


  • Dr. So Young Kim-Caset
  • Dr. Basak Ramaswamy
  • Krys Blackwood

Student Team:

  • Jodee Ann Coni
  • Alexandria Christoforatos
  • Jeremy Arqueta
  • Ana Patino
  • Gerard Samson
  • Jazlyn Armendariz
  • Chandra Breslow


  • Funding Organization:
  • Funding Program: