Terrestrial Systems and Climate Change


Affect Of Rivers On Ocean Conditions In US Coastal Areas

Status: Current

Student Researcher(s): Andrea Flores, B.S. Student in Environmental Science
Swany Cuc, B.S. Student in Geographic Information Science, Yashira Alamanza B.S. in Computer Science

Collaborator(s): Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology Faculty: Dr. Joe Roberts Software engineering leader specializing in the development of GIS and data visualization at JPL, Dr. Latha Baskaran Geospatial scientist at JPL, Dr. Jorge Vazquez Project Scientist at NASA’s JPL

CSUN CO-Is: Dr. Mario Giraldo Professor in GIS and Remote Sensing applications to ecological analysis

Water Cycle Trends in the US Pacific Coast Using Satellite Data and Modeling

Status: Current

Student Researcher(s): Andrea Flores, BA Environmental Science; Yashira Almanza, BS Computer Science; Swany Cuc, BS Geography – GIS

Collaborator(s): Joe T. Roberts, Jorge Vazquez, Latha Baskaran at NASA

CSUN CO-Is: Dr. Mario Giraldo, Ecological Analysis Using GIS, Geography

California State University, Northridge