Research Project
Metaverse for Moon Exploration
(Collaborative Moonwalker)
Research Team
Lead Researchers:
Dr. Bingbing Li, Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Dr. Thomas Chan, Psychology
- Dr. Thomas Lu, Dr. Edward Chow
Student Team:
- Jared Carrillo
- Elliott Sadler
- Neville Elieh Janvisloo
- Subhobrata Chakraborty
- Rayyan Mridha
- Luke Cortez
- Leon Gold
- Funding Organization:
- Funding Program:
- Virtual Test Environment: A high-fidelity simulation is used to test rover behavior and performance
- Autonomous, Cooperative Exploration: Moonwalker rovers are designed for goal-directed lunar exploration with minimal human input
- Collaboration: Cross-platform and organization collaboration

Research Questions and Research Objectives
Test in Virtual Simulations: Use advanced simulation environments to evaluate and improve rover performance in realistic lunar conditions
Enhance Safety and Efficiency: Implement motivation-driven behavior in rovers to optimize mission success while maintaining safety
Encourage Collaboration: Lower barrier for lunar collaboration and simulation
Research Methods
Physics Sim: Omniverse Isaac Sim, Unity 3D, Chronos Project
Identify Lunar Actions: V-JEPA and synthetic training data from Unity 3D
3D Models: Generated from lunar LRO data or created within 3DS Max
Research Results and Deliverables
Collaborative Server: Cross-platform connection succeeded with latency of below 40 ms
V-JEPA Actions: Trained model to understand lunar actions (walking, fixing, carrying, etc.) within 85% accuracy
Commercialization Opportunities
- Application: Cross-platform and organization collaboration
- Key Values: Open source, scientific progress and collaboration
- Potential Customers: Space industry, automotive industry, scientists
Research Timeline
Start Date:
End Date:
Lead Researchers:
Dr. Bingbing Li, Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Dr. Thomas Chan, Psychology
- Dr. Thomas Lu, Dr. Edward Chow
Student Team:
- Jared Carrillo
- Elliott Sadler
- Neville Elieh Janvisloo
- Subhobrata Chakraborty
- Rayyan Mridha
- Luke Cortez
- Leon Gold
- Funding Organization:
- Funding Program: