Research Project

Additive Manufacturing of Sulfur Concrete for Mars Habitats

Research Team

Lead Researchers:

  • Dr. C. Shawn Sun, Department of Civil Engineering and Management


  • Jeffrey M. Megivern, JPL

    Student Team:

    • Mohammed Abdul Riyan
    • Summayah Waseem



    • Funding Organization:
    • Funding Program:


    Motivation/Research Problem

    Research Objectives
    To explore the feasibility of building Mars habitats using 3D printing of sulfur concrete (e.g., development of a 3D printer for concrete and evaluation of the use of sulfur concrete for Martian structures)
    Research Methods/Approach
    The research team will assemble a gantry 3D printer that is most suitable for sulfur concrete. We will also examine the influence of the mix design and printing process (e.g., head speed, printing time gap, and print nozzle height) on the interlayer adhesion and flowability.
    Research Results and Deliverables
    Research Timeline

    Start Date:
    End Date: 

    Research Team

    Lead Researchers:

    • Dr. C. Shawn Sun, Department of Civil Engineering and Construction Management


    • Jeffrey M. Megivern, JPL

      Student Team:

      • Mohammed Abdul Riyan
      • Summayah Waseem



      • Funding Organization:
      • Funding Program: