Success Stories

Hessam Ghamari Presented at Seminar to faculty at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut, India
Posted: 02/05/2025

Miller Alas has been Certified by the US DOE
Posted: 02/05/2025

Jimwell Castillo Presented at IEEE GESS 2024 Conference for Real Time Traffic Monitoring Paper
Posted: 01/15/2025

Hessam Ghamari Received Prestigious Fulbright Scholar Award
Posted: 01/09/2025

Hessam Ghamari Gave a Public Speech at City School of Architecture in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Posted: 12/20/2024

Nitya Kumari Received Analyst Measurement & Analytics at Blackrock
Posted: 12/10/2024

Seyed got accepted to Harvard Business School & John A Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Posted: 12/10/2024

Jorge Enriquez Received Software Development Engineer Full-Time Position at Amazon Web Services
Posted: 12/10/2024

Anna Diaz Landed a SpaceX Internship
Posted: 12/06/2024

Abbey Fischer presented at American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference
Posted: 12/04/2024

ARCS Received Best Paper Award 2024 by The International Council on Systems Engineering
Posted: 08/29/2024
JULY 2024

Hariet Yousefi Received a NASA JPL Internship
Posted: 07/22/2024

Sharveny Parthibhan received the Prestigious Gene Haas Scholarship and Placed First at the CSUNposium Poster Presentation
Posted: 07/22/2024

ARCS Hosts Educational Workshops at World Championship Golf Tournament
Posted: 07/02/2024

Matthew Smith Presented a Poster for Boracle at Conference
Posted: 07/02/2024
JUNE 2024

ARCS Students Are Movin’ On and Movin’ Up
Kudos to our graduates heading to their next adventure
Posted: 06/04/2024

Samuel Mercado will be presenting ARCS research for Boracle at the IEEE/ACM CHASE 2024 conference
Posted: 06/04/2024

We Salute You, Monica!
Posted: 06/04/2024
MAY 2024

The ARCS Team Goes Into The Wild Blue Yonder
Posted: 05/28/2024

Congratulations To Our 40 Graduates!
Posted: 05/24/2024

School’s Out For Summer
ARCS faculty and collaborators, Thomas Chan, So Young Kim, Basak Ramaswamy, Jeremy Argueta, Ana Patino, and Alexandria Christoforatos received Best Paper Award 2024 by the International Council on Systems Engineering for their paper, Soft Skills for Hard Missions: Ethnographic Insights of Mars 2020 Space Operation Team Dynamics.
- Adinai Seiitbek Kyzy: Rush University’s MSN program
- Harmony Whiting: USC’s Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Masters program
- Maya Habash: Touro University Nevada Medical School
- Samuel Mercado: CSULB’s Human Factors Psychology MS program
- Julia Spencer: CSUN’s Anthropology MA program
- Jessica Steiner: CSUN’s Anthropology MA program
ARCS Associate Ronnie Vincent just graduated with a double major in Anthropology and Chicano/a Studies. Ronnie was a Project Rebound student, which is especially significant because formerly incarcerated individuals are notoriously absent from knowledge production activities. Even after graduation Ronnie continues to assist us (WHO?) with coding and analysis of interviews.
ARCS Associate Simran Deo is an Anthropology major and Sociology minor, and has been the most active in bringing ARCS’ NAME OF PROJECT project home. Simran co-authored a paper with faculty member Kevin Zemlicka that she co-presented to the Society for Applied Anthropology (SFAA) 84th Annual Conference in March. In the paper, Autoethnographic Reflections on the Value of Community Engaged Research to “Teaching Universities”, Simran discussed her participation on her ARCS project and what it has done for her. Publication is in the works in collaboration with Drs. Kim Kirner and Rachel Giraudo. Our panel WAS THE PANEL AT THE SAME CONFERENCE AND WERE BOTH OF YOU ON IT? addressed similar themes. Simran, Kevin, Kim and Rachel are putting together their papers for submission to Human Organization. This is a huge deal for an undergrad like Simran as SFAA is a highly reputable, long-standing society and a national conference. Kudos to Simran and the team!
Samuel Mercado presented ARCS research for Boracle at the IEEE/ACM CHASE 2024 conference in June. He also has been selected as a summer research assistant at the CSUN REN (Research Experience for Undergraduates), mentoring undergraduates in research methods and performing research on thermal-aware load balancing.
ARCS Fellow Emerson Martinez began at ARCS as an undergraduate psychology major. His efforts on the WHICH PROJECT?? team helped increase the visibility of ARCS across campus, which led to the development of several programming tools such as PPT presentations and flyers. He graduated with high honors last year and just finished his first year in the MS program in the College of Education – College Counseling and Student Services. Emerson became a US citizen while participating as an outreach Fellow. Congrats to Emerson on all his accomplishments.
Monica Ahumada-Heen (BS Chemistry, ARCS’ Breastfeeding Reimagined: Exploring Augmented Reality’s Impact on Lactation Experiences Research Project) conducts research on fitness for the U.S. Army during her Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Advanced Leader Course.
The ARCS team had an awesome visit to Edwards Air Force Base and NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center, touring their impressive facilities. Our students presented their research, chatted with the crews, and even got to try the flight simulators.
Congratulations to our 40 Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 graduates…we’re all proud of you and your achievements. Meet them all!
ARCS celebrated another successful academic year with a team picnic full of fun, camaraderie, and food. The day’s highlight was presenting ARCS’ exclusive sashes to our graduates…don’t they look great?