Success Stories

JULY 2024

Image of Hariet Yousefi in front of JPL backdrop

Hariet Yousefi Received a NASA JPL Internship

Posted: 07/22/2024

Thumbnail Image of Sharveny Parthibhan

Sharveny Parthibhan received the Prestigious Gene Haas Scholarship and Placed First at the CSUNposium Poster Presentation

Posted: 07/22/2024

Image of empty conference room

ARCS Hosts Educational Workshops at World Championship Golf Tournament

Posted: 07/02/2024

Image of empty conference room

Matthew Smith Presented a Poster for Boracle at Conference

Posted: 07/02/2024

JUNE 2024

Rolled up diplomas arranged vertically along table

ARCS Students Are Movin’ On and Movin’ Up

Kudos to our graduates heading to their next adventure
Posted: 06/04/2024

Image of empty conference room

Samuel Mercado will be presenting ARCS research for Boracle at the IEEE/ACM CHASE 2024 conference

Posted: 06/04/2024

Image of US army soldiers folding US flag

We Salute You, Monica!

Posted: 06/04/2024

MAY 2024

Image of ARCS team in front of aircraft

The ARCS Team Goes Into The Wild Blue Yonder

Posted: 05/28/2024

ARCS graduates and Dr. Ho group photo

Congratulations To Our 40 Graduates!

Posted: 05/24/2024

ARCS students in group photo wearing sashes

School’s Out For Summer

Posted: 05/07/2024
California State University, Northridge
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