Research Project

Image Denoising Using Vision Transformer

Research Team

Lead Researchers:

  • Xiyi Hang


    Student Team:

    • Hong Shen
    • Alex Calderon-Perez
    • Francisco Hernandez



    • Funding Organization:
    • Funding Program:


    This project aim to develop new deep learning models for image denoising. The new model will be designed by combining vision transformer, depth-wise convolution, and dynamic convolution. The model will be evaluated by comparison with the state-of-the-art swim-transformer model.

    Motivation/Research Problem

    Research Objectives
    Research Methods/Approach
    Research Results and Deliverables
    Research Timeline

    Start Date:
    End Date: 

    Research Team

    Lead Researchers:

    • Xiyi Hang


      Student Team:

      • Hong Shen
      • Alex Calderon-Perez
      • Francisco Hernandez



      • Funding Organization:
      • Funding Program: