Research Project

Wheelchair Assist Technology and Co-bot Helper Robot (WATCHER)

Research Team

Lead Researchers:

  • Prof. Amiel Hartman, ME
  • Dr. Kacie Blackman, HSCI
  • Dr. Xunfei Jiang, CS
  • Dr. Nhut Ho, ME


    Student Team:


    • Funding Organization:
    • Funding Program:


    Motivation/Research Problem

    Research Objectives

    Development of semi-autonomous wheelchair and socially-aware robot health aid to encourage community participation for persons with low mobility

    • Smart Electric Powered Wheelchair Autonomy
    • Social Interaction Semi-Humanoid Robot Pepper
    • Human Body Data Collection and Analysis
    Research Methods/Approach
    • Integrate navigation sensors and software autonomy into a commerciallv available electric powered wheelchair
    • Develop Pepper robot voice interaction and tablet user interface for social engagement
    • Track body vital data to improve interaction between wheelchair user and assistive technology
    Research Results and Deliverables
    Research Timeline

    Start Date:
    End Date: 

    Research Team

    Lead Researchers:

    • Prof. Amiel Hartman, ME
    • Dr. Kacie Blackman, HSCI
    • Dr. Xunfei Jiang, CS
    • Dr. Nhut Ho, ME


      Student Team:


      • Funding Organization:
      • Funding Program: